School Age Care
School aged children are unique in that they are in a different phase of development and therefore require different approaches, expectations, and guidance. We provide care for school aged children both before and after school as well as summer program.
We service several schools for before school care. The morning routine will be posted in the school age classroom and followed each day. We aim to begin the day fresh and ready for a day of learning at school. The students will have time to play, learn, and have breakfast if present during meal service time. The staff member will ensure that all students are safely secured in the seat belt or booster seat. Students will be transported to school using All Star Learning Center vans driven by All Star staff that have been preapproved and insured. Students will be checked on and off at loading and unloading time by a staff member. Students will be safely dropped off at the designated area at each school.

We service several schools for after school pick up. An All Star staff member will arrive on time in an All Star Learning Center van at the designated pick up area for each school. The staff member will ensure that all students are safely secured in the seat belt or booster seat. Students will be check on and off the van at loading and unloading by a staff member. Students will then be transported back to All Star Learning Center for the afternoon. During the afterschool program there will be an Academic Time so that students with homework to complete are able to work. Unless the parent has made arrangements with the center director or classroom teacher, all students are required to complete an academic activity during the Academic Time. The classroom teacher will require students to show him/her their homework and assist the student in completing the work. If there is not homework, students will be directed to reading or other quiet, academic activity. Students will get to have outside time, center time, and activities available during the afternoon program.
We do provide care on early release days as well as full day professional days and holidays during the school year. During these times, the full day schedule will be utilized as a guide for the time students are present in the program.

Summer Program
Children that attend before and afterschool will be given first chance to enroll in the summer program each year. If the spaces are not full, we will accept enrollment from those not enrolled year round. We aim to provide a fun, learning experience for students during the summer. We incorporate themed activities, Bible study, History activities, science exploration, team-building, creative arts, writing activities, memorization skills, field trips, and so much more!